Saturday, May 20, 2006
Being an army wife has its many challenges. The fact that I have been a single mother now for going on two and half years is one of them. The army claims that they put families first yet, with all the divorces going on, the army has the highest rate. There are many more complaints that I have with the army, but I will just stick to the matter at hand. Every other branch of military (Navy, Airforce, Marines) only go on six month tours. The army sends their soldiers away for a year at a time. They claim that the cost is too much to change. What about the toll it puts on the families. A price can't be put on that. So, for the army to say they put family first is a delusion and is for the sole purpose for the higher-ups to sleep at night. I say it is time for the army to get back to the basics and remember just what it is that founded our country, families. Any other spouses who feel the pain of loneliness from our neglectful government, I would really like your support here.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thoughts on Spirituality/Questions on Life
Alot of talk is going on about the new movie "DaVince Code." I read the book last year and found it very entertaining. That is just what it is, entertainment. To me, if any of it were true, it would have been mentioned in the Bible. God would not hide something from us nor would He allow any man to taint His word. Yes, the book was written in a very convincing way but apostacy is all Dan Brown will be remebered for unless he repents from his blasphemy. Any reply post is welcome.
Alot of talk is going on about the new movie "DaVince Code." I read the book last year and found it very entertaining. That is just what it is, entertainment. To me, if any of it were true, it would have been mentioned in the Bible. God would not hide something from us nor would He allow any man to taint His word. Yes, the book was written in a very convincing way but apostacy is all Dan Brown will be remebered for unless he repents from his blasphemy. Any reply post is welcome.