Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Thoughts on Spirituality/Questions on Life

Hello again. I wanted to make something clear about what was said by Zawahiri...and I am quoting now... "There are 10,000 prisoners of war in Israel's jails that nobody bothers about, but when it came to three Israeli soldiers, the whole world was turned upside down," this is said by Zawahiri. "What does that say about the exremist muslims? I think it says that they do not care for their people. I mean, what else could it say. For two soldiers the country will go to war to save them...but...not even for the sake of 10,000 are they willing to take notice. Aren't those prisoners the terrorists? So why aren't the terrorists saving each other? Humm, what good if anything do they stand for? Is giving everyone the opportunity to pursue happiness a horrible sin? I don't think so.

The extremist muslims are trained to hate from childhood, how can we touch someone so soaked in hatred to love?

Could this hate go back all the way to Ishmael? I don't know, but it is an interesting story in Genesis.

Anyway, If the terrorists would just quit being bullies and brainwashing their people, we might as humans learn to cohabitate..but I know that it will only take the return of Jesus to bring true peace.

Please, any feedback is welcome.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Thoughts on Spirituality/Questions on Life

Israel and Lebanon.
The war is getting me perplexed but enlightened. Sitting here in my nice cool apartment with food and safety I am grateful for The Lord above. Most of all I have freedom of religion and that is worth fighting for...it only matters in the end who was right. Evil will not triumph. The end of this war will be when true peace comes from Jesus, who told us how it would come to pass.

True evolution will come and war will be practiced no more, but an important thing that I want to express is the fact that prophecy said a treaty would be signed for one week (this week is said by some scholars to be a biblical week of seven years). President Bush, who is expected by many to stop this war, maintains that a permanint plan and not a cease fire is the answer. The next thing after a cease fire is a peace treaty. Many people will be duped if they do not see what is right in front of them. The promised battle of Megiddo will come to pass, history is always repeated, and bring the culmination and be the war that ends all wars. Atleast for a thousand years.

Jesus will come just the way He ascended after He showed himself alive to His deciples soon after He was ressurected. In a cloud of glory. Every eye will se and EVERY knee will bow. Then all who are written in the Book of Life will live in the Kingdom of God. He will put in prison all the demons and the devil himself locked up for a thousand years. He will do this by the Word of His Father. Don't worry, when satan is released it's only for a season and will bring peace forever. Are you ready...now?

God cannot lie and everything He said would come to pass, always has and will forever.

Now is the time to seek Him...to know Him...To Love Him. Please, any comment will be welcome and may God bless you for taking the time to read this. Thank you.

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